2016 and Earlier


Piece created for a commemoration of 1916 and the loss of civilian life as part of it. The piece is constructed of wood and features buildings in Dublin which would have been around before 1916 Rising but which have since disappeared. These images were burnt onto the wood using a wood-burning tool.

2014 Response to Beauty – works created based on The Marble Arch Caves and Cavan Burren.

A selection of small three-dimensional sculptural pieces (Berlin)

A series of drawings further exploring the small works in boxes (see below) (Berlin) 2011

Smother 2011 – animation and music composed by Elena Duff (Berlin)

2011 – 2012 artworks expanding on the small works in boxes series (below) but using three-dimensional elements instead of paper drawings to create scenes (Berlin)

2011 – 2012 paintings, acrylic on canvas

2011 Small Works in Boxes (Berlin)